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According to the 2003 Legislative Decree n. 196 art. 13, " Code of the personal data protection ", in this page we provide some information relative to the on-line personal data collection.

Data holders and offices in charge of the personal-data processing
The personal-data processing is carried out at Carro Fashion s.a.s. (hereafter “CF”) fully respecting the 2003 Legislative Decree n. 196.
The data are entered in the CF databanks after the acquisition of the person concerned consent, apart from the cases provided by the 2003 Legislative Decree n. 196 article 24.
According to this regulation the processing will be characterised by correctness, lawfulness and transparency, as by the protection of your confidentiality and rights. The processing data holders is CF.
ThePerson in Charge of the personal-data processing, also in accordance with the 2003 Legislative Decree n. 196 article n. 7, is the manager of the CF: Carro Ambrogio .

Processing conditions
The data are collected for contractual, commercial, administrative, accounting, statistical purposes and for the establishment of ordinary commercial contacts and the processing is carried out in the following ways: manual and computerised.
The acquired data can be disclosed to shipping agencies, couriers, consultants, for the carrying out of the above-mentioned purposes.

Concerned People Rights
In compliance to the 2003 Legislative Decree n. 196 art. 7, the subjects whom the personal data refer to can at any time obtain:
- the proof of their data existence;
- information about their contents and origin
- their verification or their integration or their updating;
- their correction:
According to the same article the concerned people have the right:
- to ask for their data cancellation;
- to change their data to anonymous form;
- to block the data if processed with the violation of the law;
- to oppose anyhow for legitimate reasons to their data processing.
In order to exercise the above-mentioned right, it is sufficient to contact EPI at the following address of electronic mail:

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